PT. SURYA CIPTA TEKNIK shall strive to execute the Project with foremost consideration for the Health and Safety of personnel, protection of assets and the protection of natural environment. We shall ensure the achievement of the HS objectives set for the project to enhance Project Health, Safety and Environment standars

  • Shall respect and comply all applicable law of GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA pertaining to “Health, Safety & Environment”
  • Shall comply EMPLOYER “Health and Safety” rules and ensure that HSE requirement are clearly communicated and publish widely to establish a method of monitoring compliance with policy
  • To ensure all employees have clear responsibilities with respect to “Health and Safety”
  • To assess the ability of subcontractors in respect to “Health and Safety” when selecting and regular monitoring of their performance with respect to HS
  • To ensure that Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification are carried out for all activity and mitigation measures are taken before commencement of work
  • Develop high degree of “Health and Safety” awareness among all work crew engaged in project activity
  • To ensure Personal Protective Equipment are all the time readily available and given to work crew to protect personnel from injury or ill health
  • To ensure all equipment mobilized for construction are fit for its purpose and duly tested, certified, and examined
  • To ensure line management is accountable for all “Health and Safety” issues till the completion of the construction activities
  • To ensure that all incident / accidents are reported, investigated, monitored, and mitigation measures are taken to prevent recurrence. 
  • PT. SURYA CIPTA TEKNIK has set a challenging targets and objectives and aims for Zero Fatality and Prevention of Lost Time Injury